Hi There

I'M Ashley

a freelance model ready to help your brand

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Welcome to my portfolio website, Here is a short introduction about myself

Himy name is Ashley, I work as a photo model, I love being in front of the camera and bring my energy and passion for modeling to every project I work on.

I mainly shoot lifestyle fashion but I also enjoy creative projects in indoor photography studios. I currently model individual photographers, My photos have been used by retail stores and many online clothing companies to help them create a strong brand image, examples can be see in my portfolio section.

I am tall (6'0"), with a defined athletic build which makes me a good model for fashion photos. I enjoy working with photographers that have a creative approach. I am based in Derbyshire, East Midlands but available to travel to other destinations within the UK.

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Here is a small selection of images from projects I have worked on in the past.